Learning, Understanding, and Using Linked Data
Marcia Lei Zeng PhD, Kent State University
Workshop, 23-4-2018 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM. 2018 Digital Initiatives Symposium
This workshop begins with a review of Linked Data fundamentals, focusing on the developments in the field that most impact libraries, archives, and museums (LAMs). Various Linked Data products created by LAMs will be used to demonstrate the capabilities of applying the Linked data approach to the information organization and discovery in the Semantic Web. In addition, the workshop will provide hands-on experience in which participants will access and wield Linked Data datasets as non-techy end-users, for the purpose of understanding the basics of Linked Data as well as the potential benefits of Linked Data approach.
The second part of the workshop will introduce a competency framework that defines the knowledge and skills necessary for professional practice in the area of Linked Data, developed by the Linked Data for Professional Educators (LD4PE) project funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). The workshop will include an overview of the structure and content of the Competency Index for Linked Data and the LD4PE website (http://explore.dublincore.net). The hands-on part will explore the LD4PE website’s competency index and over 600 related learning resources aligned with the competencies, a number of roadmaps for various professionals, and a package of learning Linked Data through a OCLC provided WorldCat Linked Data dataset.
Linked Data fundamentals
(cont.) Linked Data fundamentals
- 1.Special Collections, Archives
- 2. Bibliographic data
- WorldCat -- E.g., WorldCat Person entity for Hawking, Stephen || Works entity for Hawking's book and The WorldCat Identity entry for Hawking, Stephen
- British National Bibliography (BNB) and its SPARQL query examples
- 3. Knowledge organization systems (KOS) - thesauri, name authorities, and others
- FAST subject headings: SearchFAST || MapFAST
- Getty Vocabularies: LOD and its SPARQL query templates
- 4. Digital Scholarships
- Cornell University Scholars@Cornell based on VIVO (for research discovery)
Hands-on -- Learn by creating (2:20 pm. - 2:50 pm. + after the workshop)
1. Obtain Data Using SPARQL
- Instructions:
- Start with TGN (Thesaurus of Geographic Names) (hands-on-sparql-TGN.pdf)
- Go to Getty LOD Vocabs SPARQL query templates http://vocab.getty.edu/queries
- Try to follow the details and advanced steps:
- Using ULAN (Union List of Artist Names) (hands-on-sparql-ULAN.pdf)
- Using AAT (Art and Architecture Thesaurus) (hands-on-microthesauri-from-AAT.pdf)
- An example of using TGN through three services: TGN website, API, and SPARQL endpoint (PDF)
- Instruction: generating SPARQL query through a template & querying DBpedia
2. Entity extraction -- Digging into unstructured data
- Instruction (hands-on-EntityExtraction.pdf) of entity extraction from text
- Tool websites: (the free version of the tools)
- Open Calais
- Cogito Intelligence
- OpenRefine (three demo videos for explore, clean, reconcile and match Data)
WHERE -- to learn more after the workshop
Tim Berners-Lee. (2006) Linked Data. Last change: 2009/06/18. http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/LinkedData.html
The Linking Open Data cloud diagram. http://lod-cloud.net/
Linking Open Data (LOD) Project Webpage. http://linkeddata.org/
Tim Berners-Lee speaks on Linked Data, (2009). TED 2009 conference, "The Great Unveiling" in Long Beach, CA. USA, 4, Feb 2009. Video: https://www.ted.com/talks/tim_berners_lee_on_the_next_web
RDF 1.1 Primer. (2014) W3C Working Group Note. https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-primer/
LODLAM - Linked Open Data in Libraries, Archives, and Museums http://lodlam.net/
LOV – Linked Open Vocabularies http://lov.okfn.org/dataset/lov
Vsualizing data - tools: Google Fusion Table (work online) || Gephi (need to download) || D3 JavaScript library
Visualizing ontologe - tools: WebVOWL (requires file from a server) | | OWLgrEd (work online)
Getting a Permanent Identifiers for the Web -- through w3id.org (need to have a github account, guides )
Developed by Marcia L. Zeng, 2018-04-22 for research and educational purposes.