Chapter 6 section titles
6.1 Metadata Services as an Infrastructure
6.2 Metadata Registries
6.2.1 Functional Requirements
6.2.2 Types
6.2.3 Essential Components
6.3 Metadata Repositories
6.3.2 Metadata Harvesting Model
6.3.3 OAI-PMH Commands
6.3.4 Support for Multiple Description Formats in OAI-PMH
6.4 Metadata as Linked Data
6.4.1 Two Roles of LAMs
6.4.2 Using Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS) as the Connectors of Linked Datasets
6.4.3 Metadata in Information Silos
6.4.4 Factors Impacting Metadata Linkability
6.5 Ensuring Optimal Metadata Discovery, Increasing Findability
6.5.1 Metadata Retrieval
6.5.2 Metadata Exposure Methods
6.6 Summary
Links to sources
The star* = newly updated* or added**
*Figure 6-2-1 CORES Registry Index page ..... 260
*Figure 6-2-2 A document about the vocabularies referring to one another and the vocabulary history (using as an example), from Linked Open Vocabularies..... 262
*Figure 6-2-3 Record for the creator element from the DCMI Metadata Registry ..... 266
*Figure 6-4-1 Explanation of a bibliographic-data-centered mash-up generated on-the-fly at the **AGRIS portal, based on an AGRIS page ..... 281
*Figure 6-4-3 Illustration of KOS and controlled values used in a CONA record describing a painting ..... 283
*Figure 6-5-5 Demonstration of querying DBpedia using the VirtuosoSPARQL Editor (#1), obtain the results (#2) and visualizing (#3)
the results using Gephi software ..... 310 | Try:
formulating your SPARQL query at our template.
*Figure 6-5-6 Demonstration of querying BNB through the BNB Flint SPARQL Editor, **Linked Open BNB..... 311
Figure 6-5-7 Demonstration of querying AAT through the Getty Vocabulary LOD SPARQL editor. Try: use the template ..... 312
Start with these questions and prepare your answers.
1. Why are metadata services important for digital libraries or collections? Give three reasons. For each reason given, use a specific example or context to support your assertion, and discuss the importance of metadata services in each case. Also create a row heading for reasons and a column heading of the examples. Fill in the corresponding table cells.
2. Which types of metadata services are used for different purposes? Create a table to list the types of metadata services in the row heading
and list the purposes in the column heading. Fill in the types and purposes in the corresponding table cells.
3. How will you register the schema you created for the chapters 4 and 5 exercises? Create a metadata description for your own schema
following the requirements listed in section 6.2.3.
4. How do metadata services facilitate information retrieval? Use a table to list the ways that metadata services facilitate information retrieval
and the technical requirements involved in the process. As with exercise 1, create a row heading of the ways to facilitate and a column
heading of the technical requirements, and fill in the corresponding table cells.
5. What do you think about LAM data as Linked Data? What are the basic concepts and perceptions that should be addressed? Taking any
metadata description or record you have created after chapter 3, highlight the entities that you think could become linkable points.
6. What are the major issues of findability of digitized materials? Identify an existing digital collection and provide a plan of three approaches
that should be put into action.
The star* = newly updated* or added**
Baker, Thomas, Pierre-Yves Vandenbussche, and Bernard Vatant. 2013. "Requirements for Vocabulary Preservation and Governance." Library Hi Tech 31 (4): 657-668.
Berners-Lee, Tim. 2006. "Linked Data." Last modified June 6, 2009.
Deliot, Corine. 2014. "Publishing the British National Bibliography as Linked Open Data." Library Association of Ireland (LAI) 2014 Annual Seminar "Linked Data for Libraries," 6th November 2014, Dublin, Ireland.
* Fons, Ted, Jeff Penka, and Richard Wallis. 2012. "OCLC's Linked Data Initiative: Using to Make Library Data Relevant on the Web." Information Standards Quarterly 24 (2−3):29−33.
ISO/IEC 11179:2004 Information Technology—Metadata Registries (MDR). Part I: Framework, Second ed. Geneva: International Standards Organization (ISO).
* * This standard has been replaced by ISO/IEC 11179-1:2015
Lagoze, Carl, Herbert van de Sompel, Michael Nelson, and Simeon Warner, Ed. 2004. The Open Archives Initiative Protocols for Metadata Harvesting. OAI.
W3C Library Linked Data Incubator Group. 2011. “Library Linked Data Incubator Group Final Report, W3C Incubator Group Report 25 October 2011.”