Metadata for general purposes (cont.)
MARC Family (MARC | MODS | MARCXML) Exercises and Sources

Red star* = newly updated* or added**


XML schemas for downloading (if you use an XML editor)

Best Practices


1.6 Analyze MARC21 Bibliographic records

  • Go to Worldcat:
  • Find "Lord of the Rings and Philosophy" (book)
  • Locate a local library's item from this search results and display the book's MARC record.
  • Identify pieces of information (e.g., title, author, etc.)

and Create a MARC record for:

1.7 Analyze MARCXML Example Documents

1.8 Analyze MODS Example Documents

and create MODS records for:

  1. Gregory Crane. Georeferencing in Historical Collections. D-Lib Magazine, May 2004, Volume 10 Number 5. URL:
  2. Moving Theory into Practice: Digital Imaging Tutorial. Prepared by Cornell University Library/ Research Department
  3. Humans And Robots / [Electronic Resource] by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
    search Worldcat to get the bibliographic information.

Value spaces

Name Authorities [search]

  • LC Name Authority file (LC NAF)
  • Subject authority headings
  • Title authority headings
  • Name/Title authority headings
  • Keyword authorities (all)

Controlled vocabularies available as Linked Data

Value lists (including usage guides)

MARC Value Lists also available as Linked Data

For languages and time (Linked Data)

Preservation schemes (all) as Linked Data