KOS generation, reuse, connection, integration, and mapping


Notes and bookmarks

Refer to the full article: Zeng, Marcia L. "Interoperability" @ ISKO Encyclopedia of Knowledge Organization (IEKO) 2018-08-08



The term mapping might be used to refer to a process of establishing relationships between the contents of one vocabulary and those of another, or as a product of mapping process, a statement of the relationships between the terms, notations or concepts of one vocabulary and those of another.

1. Types of equivalencies

Types of equivalencies:

  • exact equivalence,
  • inexact equivalence (or near-equivalence),
  • partial equivalence,
  • single to multiple equivalence, and
  • non-equivalence.
See figure 9.

2. Models of mapping process

Recommended by the ISO 25964-2:2013 (6.3 and 6.4):

  • Direct mapping

  • hub structure mapping


See Table 2.


Selective mapping choose only a limited number of concepts in the mapping

Co-occurrence mapping works at the application level (e.g., when both MeSH and LCSH subject headings are assigned to the same publication).

Blended mapping models allows a vocabulary's portion function as the base or supplements, depending on the situations encountered.

3. Encoding the alignment degrees

To encode and represent the mapping degrees when multiple vocabularies are involved, RDFS, OWL, and SKOS have provided guidance and properties, including:

4. Services enabling the discovery of term mapping results

Explore more

Refer to the full article:

Zeng, Marcia Lei. 2019. “Interoperability”. Knowledge Organization 46, no. 2: 122-146. Also available in Hjørland, Birger and Gnoli, Claudio eds. ISKO Encyclopedia of Knowledge Organization, https://www.isko.org/cyclo/interoperability

Developed by Marcia L. Zeng, 2019 for research and educational purposes. Last updated 2025-02.